The class is developed and taught by the author of

Teens Go Green!: Tips, Techniques, Tools, and Themes for YA Programming (Libraries Unlimited Professional Guides for Young Adult Librarians Series)

  Libraries Unlimited Professional Guides for Young Adult Librarians Series.

Course Title-Tweens and Teens Going Green!  Art Programming for Librarians

This online workshop is fun and informative for LMS, YSL, Librarians, Teachers, Volunteers, and Staff.

Course Description

Many Tweens and Teens are already green.  They have an appreciation and sensitivity to going green.  Now you have the opportunity to offer and share some fun and educational art projects and programming. This 4 week online workshop is taught by the author of Teens Go Green!  Tips, Techniques, Tools, and Themes for Young Adult Programming Libraries Unlimited Dec. 2012.

Tweens and Teens Going Green Art Programming for Librarians class is the creative spark you need to incorporate entertaining and educational fun into your programming ideas.  What can you do with recycled fast food containers, newspapers, old books, plastic bottles and other throw aways?  You can easily turn them into art objects and programming ideas.  You will learn how to develop themes which include gardening, ocean life, and other subjects such as helping to make others aware of endangered wildlife. This is your opportunity to develop a portfolio of creative ideas that you can use with your tween and teen visitors immediately.   This class is for everyone-even those without any art background will stretch their creativity and skills by making hands on projects with objects that they may have previously tossed away. 


Instructor Valerie Colston, M.A. is an author and art professor with many years of experience developing and teaching art programs in libraries in San Diego, California.  This 12 hour online workshop is inspired by her recommended (School Librarians Feb. 2012) book published by Libraries Unlimited titled Teens Go Green! Tips, Techniques, Tools, and Themes for Young Adult Programming Libraries Unlimited Dec. 2012 .   Ms. Colston was an art consultant to the Wyland Foundation Ocean Challenge program for teachers.  Her book 200 Projects to Strengthen Your Art Skills published by Barrons Educational Series has received outstanding reviews appearing in School Library Journal, National Art Education Association newsletter, and more. Her It's Easy to be a Green Teen  appeared in the youth librarian publication Voices of Youth Advocates magazine.  She has several years experience teaching online workshops to librarians across the U.S. and in other countries. Colston has taught librarian related classes through Simmons College, Boston and Infopeople and is a fulltime Art and Digital Literacy online instructor.


12 hour online workshop.   Class is Open 24/7.

Fun and Informative Atmosphere.

Fee-$99.00  Everyone Welcome.   No Prior Experience Required.

Illustrated Lecture, Discussion Board Topics, and Class Assignments.

Course Objectives

Librarians and staff taking this class will learn teaching tips for working with tweens and teens.  They will also learn step by step instructions for creating art projects, see illustrated outcomes, be encouraged to develop their own portfolio ideas.  Participants will develop their own creative skills and gain ideas for developing art projects and programming.

Week 1-Tools You Will Need to Go Green.  Techniques and Resources.

What are the basic supplies you will need? Where do you find resources for creating environmentally friendly art projects and ideas?   Learn the answer to those questions and how to create budget minded art from recycled materials using simple techniques.

Week 2-Creating  Programming that Tweens and Teens Want

This unit presents those things that teens like and turn them into hands on projects and programming. Fashion Shows, Car Design, and Jewelry making are just a few of the projects presented.  What you do with newspaper, brown paper and those plastic six pack water bottle rings will be incorporated into this session.

 Week 3-Money Matters and Green Group Themes

What can you make for under a $1.00 and those things you would normally throw away? The answer is more than you realize. Table Fountains and other group art projects are also the stars of this unit.

Week 4-Art is an Action Verb.  Projects that Inspire and Change the World

Learn how to use Art for good.  Helping Animals, Intergenerational, and Celebrations are just a few of the projects that round out this last week.

A sampling of what librarians wrote after taking the workshop.

I have to say, the Intergenerational Art projects really have me interested! I think it's so important for kids to have a sense of where they come from. It helps them later in life! I think that is something our patrons in particular would really enjoy highlighting! I think I'll present my ideas to my boss and the children's librarian and see if we can have a celebration for that.

I also have to say, I've really appreciated the many links shared in these last 4 weeks. I have many more bookmarks!

                                                           I was particularly impressed with the African culture and their ability to recycle plastic to create unique works of art. The cultural information, the links and suggested crafts could be used during Black History Month or to celebrate Martin Luther King Day.

                                                            I loved all of the Fashion Show ideas.
 I would love to do the one where you provide materials like wrapping paper, etc and let them just create! Then we could do a fashion show with what they created.

                                                         The list of things teens like programming to be about is very helpful. It gives me a starting point when thinking about what I'd like to do with tweens. I also really like the bobbleheads.